Monday, March 30, 2009

Respect the Beach - Surfrider Foundation

The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit organization established around the nation to provide ocean environment awareness and educational programs for students and community members of all ages. Respect the Beach is an educational program created for students in grades K-12 and community groups.

"The Respect the Beach program is brought into classrooms by Surfrider members, who represent ocean environmentalism from the surfer's perspective, and who are role models that students can relate to." (Surfrider website)

These representatives of RTB and the Foundation provide "field trips, classroom lectures, handouts, video, and hands-on projects designed to explain coastal watershed processes, shoreline ecology and coastal areas." (Surfrider website)

I believe that communities and students who live near the ocean (especially here in California) should take into account the importance of maintaining the environment. This year, I have dedicated myself to becoming more involved with the Orange County community. I believe students need to recognize and participate in volunteer projects provided by these grassroots organizations. This is a great resource that teachers can use to engage their students in to learn more about beach protection and ocean awareness.


  1. I also came across the Respect the Beach program when I was researching how I would go about doing a beach clean up for my community outreach portion of the research project. This is definitely something I'd get involved in in the future, because I think it's important for children to be aware of the effects we have on the environment, and to get involved in volunteer efforts.

  2. Respect the Beach sounds like a great tool to promote ocean environmentalism for kids. I think a lot of times we forget how much we can do to affect the ocean, both positively and negatively. This program would help to remind us of what we can do to stop pollution and improve our beaches! Great post.

  3. I think that this program is a great idea for a teacher to use in their classroom. Me and Linda actually joined together with this cause and participated in a beach clean up 2 weeks ago. I would have to say it made me appreciate the wonders of the beach much better. I think it would benefit students because it will allow them to see how important the beach is, the homes it creates and the resources we take for granted.

  4. Education on taking care of the environment is extremely important to children. I remember when I was in elementary school we took a field trip to the Dana Point Harbor quite a few times where they have a couple educational rooms where you learn about the different animals they have and ways in which to keep them alive. I remember they showed us birds that have been caught in trash and those plastic attachers on soda cans, and ever since learning that I've always cut them before putting them in the trash and so much more aware of picking up trash I see around me. Kids love learning about these issues, and love learning ways in which they can affect it and make a difference. Respect the Beach looks like a great program to teach students about the ocean and how we can maintain this beautiful place well all love. Organizing beach cleanups is also great for kids too, I remember doing it and I had fun!

  5. Sounds like a great program!I think this would be great to use with students and teachers alike. It is very important for student's to be involved in the community, and I think this is a great way for them to do so. It would be a great way to teach them about environmental issues at a young age. If they healthy environment habits when they are young, they are more likely to continue these habits throughout adulthood. Plus, I think kids would have a lot of fun at a beach cleanup. Great resource!

  6. Very important issue. The ocean affects everything around us, even if we don't live by it. The ocean is also home to so much beautiful sea liek it is imperative that we protect it. Classes should have beach clean ups or civic activites that help the ocean. This will not only raise awareness but serve as a service and example to the world.

  7. Growing up in Arizona, I can definitely say that I never took advantage of the beaches in beautiful California. I could see how and why young students growing up around a beach wouldn't respect the ocean in the same way. It would be a fun idea to learn about ocean animals and visit and aquarium and follow the lesson up with a beach clean up trip. I think that this would be a great way to give students a well-rounded education. They would first learn about the animals and the ocean in class, then see them at an aquarium, and then clean up a beach to help save the animals, it would be a great trip and leaning experience for students!

  8. I think it is so important for students to understand the importance of taking care of the enviornment at an early age. If they are learning about the ocean and keeping the earth clean in elementary school they are more likely to transfer this knowledge into their own daily lives. They will see the importance of picking up trash and protecting the world around them.

  9. This is a great organization! They seem like an amazing resource for teachers and one that would really get kids interested (surfers as role models?! - cool!). I really agree with what you mentioned about the importance of getting students involved in grassroots organizations. By teaching them at an early age how beneficial, rewarding, and fun volunteering can be we can help to ensure their future in an environment as good, if not better than our own!

  10. I have actually heard about this foundation, and believe it is a great tool so that students can get involved! The ocean is such a big part of the world, that it also needs to be taken care. Not only do we live near it, but so many amazing creatures live in it, and they are suffering from all the trash and chemicals we dump into it on a daily basis!

  11. This is the first time I heard about this foundation but I think that the services it provides to the community is an excellent way of bringing awareness. I visited the organization's website and I noticed that it has various chapters all over California and that they have numerous volunteer opportunities. I think that a beach clean up fieldtrip would be an excellent way for students to get involved with the community and learn about maintaining a safe environment.

  12. I think this is a really great program. It is so important that we teach children to respect our environment at a young age, so that as they become adults they make environmentally friendly decisions. Having students be part of a beach clean up is a great way to show them how they are connected to the environment around them, and how all the decisions they make affect that environment.

  13. Respect the Beach is an awesome program! The Surfrider Foundation was very active in my community, when I was growing up, and I was fortunate to participate in many of their beach and ocean preservation projects! My experience has led me to recognize how easy it is to make a difference in preserving our oceans! Teachers should definitely take advantage of resources such as "Respect the Beach" because they get children excited about learning and promote personal responsibility for taking care for the planet!

  14. I think that incorporating the Surfrider Foundation into schools is a great idea. I was actually part of the Surfrider Foundation club at my high school and it was a great experience because we did simple things like beach clean ups, but we also took water samples from our local beaches and learned how to test them and look at how badly polluted they were. It was neat because we were able to use our resources and work with advanced machines that could help us evaluate the chemicals and ph levels in our favorite beaches. This information is useful because I would like to incorporate the Surfrider Foundation into my own school when I am teaching. It's a great way to get young students involved in the community because a lot of them are very interested in the ocean and beaches.

  15. This looks like an incredible program. I did a beach clean up program in middle and high school. Although it was a pain to wake up so early in the morning on a Saturday I always felt good about myself afterwords. I think it is important for people to take an active role in their community because we only get one earth and if we keep taking it for granted it will disappear quickly. I think it is a great idea to inspire kids with programs like this because the earlier we get them involved in a cause the more time they have to devote to the cause.

  16. Wow, what a cool idea, especially with the surfers talking to the students so that they have someone to relate to. Keeping our oceans clean is a very important concept, and I'm glad that people are taking the initiative to teach our students about it's importance.

  17. hey, i think this is a great program to get kids involved in. me and Krystal actually did joined this program on march 21 to clean up the beach and it was a great experience. it makes you aware of how we need to keep our oceans and beaches clean. a field trip for children to join in on this project would be helpful in making them aware of how they can help keep our beaches clean.

  18. this is a great program and a great resource to introduce into the classroom and to students, especially to those students who live by the beach and visit the beach regularly. i think that by teaching them to respect the beach, somewhere they love to go and have fun it will make them more aware of how to respect their communities, schools, and the whole earth.
