Sunday, March 8, 2009

Smart Notebook Bracelet

In elementary school students do a lot of work on a lot of different computers. Even in college we use our own personal computer, friends computers and computers in the library. Sometimes it is so difficult to keep track of all the files and paperwork we need. Although we like to think of ourselves as competent college students we, just like elementary school students have lots of trouble keeping track of things. Therefore the smart bracelet was designed. It allows students to keep all their files right there on their wrist to take from classroom, to library, to home. It makes it a fun way for students to keep track of their files!

DO you think a product like this is useful or just kind of overkill? Do you think this would encourage students to do their homework because teachers knew they had their files on hand? Do you think that school work is become to digital or do you think it is important to involve technology in the classroom?


  1. I think this product would be awesome!I couldn't get the link to work, however the idea of being able to keep all my work at my wrist would be beneficial for time saving as well as easy for student's who are forgetful to keep their work together. I think that it would be an advantage for students to do their homework, it would would not be an excuse. I think that this would not neccessarily transform classrooms into a technological way. Depending on SES or school budgets would depend on if these products would available to a select few, or to the entire school. It would be interesting to test this product and see how it can benefit the student or the classroom.

  2. I think that is product is a great idea! I think it is smart because it is larger than a flash drive and therefore easier to remember, and not misplace. I think that students need tools like this because they are constantly on the go, and technology and computer use is such an important part of schooling.

  3. I love this idea! Definitely a great way for kids to remember where their work is at. This would certainly be an advantageous product for students of all ages.

  4. I think that a product like this is a great idea. I like that it is a bracelet that kids would be able to have at all times, and I think it would encourage them to be more responsible with their assignments. I think that a product like this would be hard to lose, and students should misplace them like they do with flashdrives. I think that by having this, there would be no reason for a student not to finish an assignment, and the teacher could use this product to ensure that everyone has done the work. I think that it is important to integrate technology into the classroom, and this is just one small step to do that. A product like this shows teachers how easy it can be to integrate technology in their classroom. I also think that the students would enjoy this product and find it useful for keeping all their work in one place.

  5. I also thought that this would be extremely helpful for students. It would help them to be more responsible with their work as well as keep digital copies of everything for revision later. A bracelet would be cool as many kids would just keep it on all the time (unlike those on a keychain). It would make it easier to transfer files back and forth and provide a much-needed backup location for documents drafted at home or at school. I've seen these before that were not SMART brand, which may do the same thing for a little cheaper ;)

  6. This is a cool idea, and would allow students to keep all their files with them. I also agree that it is important to integrate technology into the classroom because it is such an important aspect of our society. But integrating technology does not mean that everything is done electronically: the students can still do handwritten stuff, and the teacher could always scan the work into the computer and then load the files into the bracelet. I couldn't get the link to work either, but I had some questions regarding this bracelet: Although it would be a great way to have all the student's homework electronically, not all students have access to computers and/or the internet at home. If homework was to be done electronically, it would mean that the student would have to come early or stay later at school, which could be problematic if they are on a bus schedule. Another problem I forsee is a problem I would see with myself: what if a student gets it wet, or crushes it on the playground? We could have students remove their bracelets before recess, but then we also run the risk of having students lose their bracelets.

  7. I think the bracelet is a good idea too. It's a lot easier to keep hold of then a small flash drive. However, I was thinking the same things as Katie V. above. Some students may not have access to a computer at home, so their work isn't done electronically. Also, I'm not really sure if a lot of the homework elementary school children do is done on the computer. They use computers at school to play interactive games and activities, as well as maybe type of some summaries and essays and things, but I don't think homework is normally done using a computer. But, it definitely would be a great plus for middle school and high school students if they do work at home and need to transfer it to the school computer and vice versa. I don't know if you'd even want a little bracelet like that to be responsible for holding all of your elementary school students' work because I'd be a little nervous about them breaking it or losing it on the playground, at home, etetera. But i think its a good idea to use for older students most definitely!

  8. I think this braclet is a great idea. It would totally help the students keep track of all their work and this way they would not have to worry about how they are going to print out their work if they do not have a printer, they can just save it and put in on the bracelet. Great resource even for people our age. I know that this would be so helpful to me.

  9. I really like this bracelet! I would definitely use it! It is true, it gets very confusing using so many different computers with different files saved in various locations. I think that these bracelets actually would encourage kids to do more homework because if it becomes a trend, they will want to use them. Also, technology always makes learning more fun. It is very important to incorporate technology into the classroom because that is what our future is becoming. Everything is over the Internet, and having students start usuing technology at an earlier age will improve their skills for the future.

  10. This is so cool! I want one! I totally don't think it's overkill, actually I'm really surprised it hasn't caught on more already! I do think it might encourage students to complete, not only because of the teacher factor you mentioned but becuase it's like the 21 century version of tying a ribbon around your finger to remember something! How difficult is it to forget about your homework when you have a trendy little reminder around your wrist all day? I think your question about schoolwork becoming too digital is also really interesting - I do prefer things in real-life sometimes, but also understand that the point of school and even homework is to prepare kids for the future - and the future is digital.

  11. where was this when i was little??? It is crazy how technology is advancing, even though flash drives have been around for awhile, having it easily accessible as this bracelet is is a great idea! It is definitely much easier than having to keep track of the little drive that is easy to lose, especially for me!

  12. To be honest, this seems like overkill to me! I like the idea of incorporating technology in the classroom, but to me, students should still mostly be doing written work. To me, personally, having your work in paper form leads to better penmanship, and they also need to learn how to keep track of their things and to remember their things. They're not always going to have a handy bracelet to keep all of their work on. Maybe I'm just a little skeptical about kids wearing these things because I almost feel like it's a part of trying to make them grow up too fast, like giving 7 year olds cell phones and buying them computers when they're in first grade. It just seems like too much.
