Sunday, March 8, 2009

Easy TestMaker

Easy TestMaker is a free online program that organizes testing information to help create different tests.  This is a great and easy-to-use generator that can easily make any sort of test: multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, short answer and true/false tests, any number of which can be combined.

All that teachers need to do is access the website above, decide which feature to use (what type of test), and fill in the necessary testing information.  This website makes it easy for teachers to organize tests free of cost!  The website will also automatically generate alternate versions of any tests, accompanied with master answer sheets for each.  This can be used to minimize cheating in the classroom in an manageable approach.

What are your thoughts about this test-generator?  Could you see yourself using this tool in your future classroom?  What are other benefits from the Easy TestMaker?


  1. I think test-generators can be a great tool to use in your own classroom. It would allow you to create customized tests for each subject or activity you are working on. In addition, you can generate test for students at their learning levels without having embarassment issues. The benefits from this easy testmaker would allow you to customize your lessons and adapt to the needs of each child.

  2. I think that this is a great tool for teachers to create multiple tests on the same subject (if you need make-ups etc.) It is crazy all of the resources that we now have at our finger tips!

  3. Awesome resource Heidi! I have seen from first hand experience that creating a test is hard enough work on top of the mountains of papers to grade or review. With this tool, it seems like the teachers can put in the information that they want the kids to have understood and the test-generator will easily put it into a format within a few minutes!

  4. This test-generator can be very helpful for teachers especially at the younger ages. As long as the teacher does not relay 100 percent on the program. It can be a helpful backbone to a test, but still must be carefully reviewed by the teacher. My favorite part of this resource is that it can rearrange the questions to prevent cheating. As a teacher it is impossible to watch everyone at once. With the amount of time and effort that students put into cheating (when they could be studying) they have ways that are hard to catch. If there are four different tests circulating in miscellaneous order, students will have a hard time cheating.

  5. Test-generator is a great tool for the classroom. I love how simple it seems. Teachers have a lot of responsibility and this is a nice tool to ease the load a bit. Also, I think this a great way to get testing variety. A lot of teachers just test in one way like multiple choice. Test-generator would give students exposure to a variety of forms of testing which will help prepare them for future grades. I also love that it rearranges the questions to prevent cheating. Great resource!!!

  6. This is a great resource for teachers. It seems like it would save so much time to be able to generate a test quickly and easily instead of having to type up a test from a word document every time. I like that it generates different types of tests and different versions of the same test. I would just be careful not to overuse tests in my classroom, because there are so many other ways of valuable assessment.

  7. What a time saver! I feel like a lot of teacher's time goes into preparing and revising tests and Test Saver would be a great way to cut down on all the tedious preparation. I definitely plan to use test generators such as this in my future classroom.

  8. Easy Test Maker seems like such a nice resource for teachers! Anything that cuts down on preparation time for teachers is nice, because they are already busy with grading and teaching. I read a quote on the site from a user of the test generator and she agreed that it is a wonderful resource for her teaching. I definitely think that I would use this site when I am a teacher, because not only can I generate tests with ease, but I can also create multiple versions of the same test on the spot, which saves a lot of time! Easy Test Maker might also come in handy for a student in your class who has special testing requirements. You can make a test for the whole class, and within minutes make a modified version for any student who needs it.

  9. I agree this is a great resource for teachers. Especially knowing that it can reduce the cheating in classrooms. It is so important to make sure you are using your time efficiently and with this resource you are able to spend more time on the important aspects in the classroom. I would definitely use this tool when I begin teaching!

  10. I think this would be a great tool to use. It would definitely save the teacher a lot of prep time which is always nice. This is something that gives back to the students because students ultimately will benefit from this. The less time teachers have to take on tasks such as these, the less time they take on other aspects of teaching. Great tool.

  11. I think this is a great classroom tool. Test-making really is a kind of art, and I feel that sometimes working to create various versions of tests can actually take away from student learning simply because it takes up so much of the teacher's time - they can't worry about creating other, fun, activities! Beyond this, I think that this would be a really great tool for my students. Think about it, the best way to learn is to review and then teach - what better way to do this than to have your students access the website, create their own practice tests, and then trade and go over their tests with a buddy? I think that would be so cool!

  12. I think this is a great tool, because you are able to make a unique and creative test instead of take one from a booklet. It allows you to choose problems that the class has studied, because I remember taking tests and having questions that made no sense to me. It also helps with time, because if you are prepared with questions, it will make the test for you! This is an awesome site... thanks!

  13. wow. this would make life so much easier for teachers. this is a great tool to use for teaches because you can design your own tests that will ultimately benefit the students who are taking it. you can have questions that are finally worded correctly and put together to where children don't look at it as a big puzzle and look dreadful to take. Creating a test as it is is hard, so by having this resource to use will help make that job a lot easier. i never knew about this web site. thanks

  14. This seems like a great resource for teachers, especially with all of the testing that they have to do today. They can spend less time creating the tests, and more time on their students, which is overall beneficial. This can also give your students a chance to take different formats of tests, which will be important for their future.
