Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Arts Every Day

Arts Every Day
Arts Every Day has as its mission to strengthen learning by making arts education and cultural experiences an integral part of the education of all Baltimore City School students through the facilitation of collaborations among the arts, educational, cultural, and leadership communities. Arts Every Day believes that a complete education includes a combination of arts learning, arts experiences and arts integration. It is the role of Arts Every Day to help facilitate connections between the arts and learning for every student everyday. They strongly believe that art integration is only possible with the presence of highly skilled certified art teachers in every school.
This site is a great resource for many teachers and families that want to integrate the arts into their students. The site includes teaching resources, how to integrate the arts, posts of upcoming events and workshops, and give you ideas for funding and support.

The website is:
Go check it out!

Can you see this website being useful in your classroom? Have you had any experience with arts in the classroom? Do you support the arts in the classroom?


  1. Art can play such an integral role in elementary education, yet art instruction and funding is often the first to go when budget cuts are made, which is a very sad reality. I definitely recognize the importance of art integration in elementary classrooms, especially after taking Art 350 here at Chapman!
    Arts Every Day sounds like a fantastic organization centered upon integrating arts into the classroom at many different levels. This site primarily focused on arts in the Baltimore School District, which made me curious whether there is a site with similar content for California. While I didn't find anything specific, I did find a great article that was written on this subject by a Chapman Professor. Here's the url to paste into your browser:

  2. Studies have shown that not all students learn through workbooks and textbooks, music can be a great tool to enhance learning. Art Every Day seems to have a good concept of how to connect art to other subjects in the classroom. I think we need more of these programs in our public schools. We not only need art education, but better physical education, music, drama, and so on. Funding is the issue when it comes to programs like these. It would be great to have programs like these in all public schools but I don't believe that is realistic. Standardized tests have also made it hard for subjects like art to flourish in the classroom, hopefully our new president will bring some change to education.

  3. Its great to see support for the Arts. It seems as if people are coming back around to the importance of a full education. Sites like this can help give both new and old teachers direction and guidance while trying to integrate their classrooms. I had the luxury of great parent volunteers in school who gave us plenty of opportunity for art in the classroom. Without art i would have zero confidnece in my creative abilities.

  4. I absolutely support arts education in the classroom! Art is a great way to tie a bunch of subjects together while keeping the lesson fun and engaging for all students! I know in our class about half of the people have used the arts/physical education class combination for one of their reflections - and it's no wonder why! When you learn how to integrate art and movement into the classroom you gain a very important aspect of being a good teaching - the ability to make lessons informative and curriculum based, but also really fun!

  5. Wow this is a great resource! I am not the most creative person out there, so I am always in need of help in that area. I believe art is such an important aspect, and teachers are always looking to integrate it into their classrooms whenever they can. This looks like a fun and helpful website, that I might just use in the future!

  6. The site is an excellent tool I know I can rely on when working with students. I liked the various resources it provides for educators as well as parents and students. The lesson plans I found on the site are very well written and they allow the teacher to incorporate various art aspects into the core curriculum. I think that this is very important considering that not all students benefit by simply reading books and being assigned writing reports. By incorporating various art aspects students are given an opportunity to develop creativity and to learn material in engaging ways. As a future educator I find this site very beneficial since I will be able to pull from it valuable resources that will enhance my lessons.

  7. I think this is a great website because it is a useful resource for teachers. I agree that arts education is essential for students and is very important to a fully rounded education. I have learned that students who take art classes in high school actually have higher SAT scores. This website is a great resource because some teachers may understand that arts education is important, but they might not know how to incorporate art into other lessons. This site has fun and educational lesson plans that incorporate art into other core curriculum subjects. I would definitely use this resource when I am a teacher because it will not only get my students more engaged in the process of learning but art will also help them retain all of the information that they learn!

  8. teaching kids through art is a very helpful way in reinforcing learning. this is a great web site because it shows how teachers can tie in art and learning. this is a great resource to turn to also because it shows you how important it is to include art in your classroom and they do not leave you hanging. they give you lesson plans that you can use to incorporate into your classroom. i would definitely use this web site to turn to to find lesson plan ideas and to other ways of incorporate art into my classroom. :) thanks.

  9. this is a great web site to use that helps teachers to find ways to incorporate art into their classroom. i think this is a great resource because many teachers dont know how to tie in art with their everyday curriculum so children are missing out on that. this web site gives great lesson plans and ways that any teacher can use to promote art in their classroom. i would definitely use this web site for myself because good art lesson plans are hard to find.thanks

  10. I think this is a great resource to help teachers. Jamie's class taught me that art can be incorporated into anything, and even if students can just pick up some crayons to illustrate a journal entry everyday, that would be great! I think some teachers just don't feel that they are artistically inclined, so they do not always do art, so this site can at least help to give them ideas.
