Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Early Development of Global Education (EDGE) has revolutionized the way you think about early education and environmental education. They promote ecological awareness through early childhood education. They help schools and educators make a difference in the future, enjoy a user friendly curriculum, teach you how to partner up with you local community, and tap into foundation resources.

Here is a link to a video about the organization:

What do you think about this organization? Would you like something like this in your classroom? Are there other ways to make your class eco-friendly?


  1. What a wonderful program! I think that every early education school should watch this youtube video; incorporating EDGE into early education programs is such a great idea! Children are so impressionable at that young age, and based on things they said in the video, kids seem to take to this program very well and learn from it. If I were a preschool teacher I would love to use the EDGE program. Even if I couldn't have the actual EDGE program in my classroom, I could still make my class eco-friendly. I could put trash and recycle cans in my class and teach the class how to use them properly, and try to incorporate mini lessons on environmental awareness whenever I can. Hopefully we'll see more of the EDGE program in early education soon!

  2. I love this too! I think that this is such a cool and easy thing when it's started at a young age. I think making changes is harder for older people who are just starting to become more eco-aware because it's more of a change in their everyday lives. I think that getting children interested at a young age can help so much because they will grow up being conscious of this, and it will be integrated into their lives just like any other normal thing, rather than having to make drastic adjustments later.

  3. I think this program is a great way to really make a change regarding our impact on the environment. The idea of teaching children the importance of being aware of the environment is the only way to see change in the long term. We are all creatures of habit, and if we can create eco-friendly habits in our children now, they will be eco-friendly adults in the future. This is definitely something I'd be interested in doing in my classroom, with or without the Edge program. I could do units on the environment, and teach children how to take care of our planet by incorporating recycling, beach clean-ups, walk to school days, and many other ideas.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This is such a wonderful program! I was surprised to see how much of an impact like this can bring into children's life. By bringing awareness to children at a young age we are providing them with the tools necessary to create a safer environment for the future. I really like this curriculum because it helps teachers bring awareness! I hope to implement a program like this once I am teaching since I feel it will teach students how to take care of their environment and think about how to be more eco friendly! I can do many things with a curriculum like this, such as teaching about beach clean up, ocean pollution, greenhouse effect, and many other things that pertain to the environment!

  6. This is a really great program! It is essential to express to children how important it is that they take an interest in their environment. When they are younger, it is easier to teach them more eco-friendly habits. For example, teaching children how to recycle at a young age is a fairly easy task. If they are in the habit of recycling, they will continue to recycle as adults.

  7. This is awesome! It's very difficult to change a person's lifestyle after it is established. Starting early in a classroom where children work the environment into their daily schedule is a great way to start healthy habits. Educating about the environmetns and its problems could really help to lessen the damage in the fuure.

  8. I think this is an awesome program because if we start young with teaching how to take care of our world, we will see the difference in the present and future. including this in a classroom will help to broaden the minds of children to where they can start thinking about the world and how what we do can effect it. this will change a child's way of thinking and promote good habits for the future. I like it.
