Friday, March 13, 2009

Planting Trees

Hey everyone,
I know a lot of us are focusing on the environment for our research, and I got this email a few weeks ago about planting trees in the San Bernardino area where the fires were. It's free and runs from 8:30 to 1:00. I am putting the email I recieved so you can all get the information. I'm going and have recruiting a few others. It sounds like fun!

~Brittany Sprague

Okay folks,
Some of you know this and some of you do not but through our involvement with the off highway adopt a trail in Big Bear area we have become involved with forestry. I am also an ecologist/teacher and am offering this as a community service experience for my students. So I thought I would pass this on to others that I know.

Starting March 7th through May 9th on Saturday or Sunday. Forestaid is working to plant 32,000 trees in to the Old Fire burn area the scorched 91,000 acres and 993 homes. The seedlings where harvested from jeffrey and ponderosa pines near the fire area.

How does this work, well Stephan and I will be volunteer supervisors on March 21-22. We are hoping that people that have enjoyed the San Bernardino Forest will come out and help. Volunteers show up at 845 at the designated site and will return to their cars at 1pm.
Children under 16 are welcome with a parent. 17-18 year olds must have a parent consent form. This is the first year in a two year effort. If you are interested in coming to our weekend or another weekend. Please visit to register as a volunteer.

Come on it is a great day in the forest and good stewardship for young people to learn.
PS please forward this to any people that love our forests and might enjoy this activity.
Thanks Sonia and Stephan

1 comment:

  1. good to know! Im from Lake Arrowhead so if anyone is wanting to go up there, let me know!
