Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's Earth Day!

It's Earth Day! This is a fun, short video that can help young students learn about Earth Day. I think this would benefit future teachers because videos are very good at capturing the attention of young students and this video can help incorporate more technology into the classroom. Polly Bear is a little opinionated, but I think the video is a great resource to help teach kids how to help save the planet!


  1. Yay for Earth Day! I think that videos like this are a great way of getting kids excited about respecting the earth. Parents and teachers can only drill the idea for so long before it gets boring, so any sources of multimedia are great to relay the message!

  2. I think this is a great video to get kids thinking about the earth. Multimedia really help the student to get engaged in a subject.

  3. Just another example of how useful tools like youtube are. It always add a little excitement to learning!

  4. I think it is very important for kids to know about Earth Day and what they can do to help the environment. Since they are the future it is important for them to know what is going on as well. Videos like this one are perfect for kids, because it is more exciting and holds their attention better than when they listen to their parents or teachers telling them about it all.

  5. When I was in elementary school, Earth Day and Arbor Day were highly promoted. We would do drawing contests of trees, and for each grade level, one drawing was picked, and the student would receive a tree! My brother won one year, and his tree actually prospered. It was a little under 1 feet tall when he got it, and my dad planted it in the backyard. It grew to be so big, I was able to make a swing on it! My brother was really proud of that tree, and I think that having events like this for students is really good. I'm really glad that being kind to the earth has become the new "fad" as everyone, up to movie stars, and even musicians, are doing their best to educate the world so that we take better care of it.
