Monday, April 13, 2009

Bike Safety Lesson Plan

(I didn't know these existed)

Here's a link to a website that has a lesson plan if you're ever interested in teaching bike safety. The website also has lessons for other safety lessons that have to do with safe ways of walking to school as well. The bike safety lesson plan demonstrates the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet by using raw eggs to show what could happen when not wearing one (sounds fun to me), and incorporates a video and different class discussions. I looked at many different lesson plans on this subject and this one really seemed to do a good job of getting kids to come up with their own reasons why biking is fun and how it can help the world, and also why it is important to be safe. It shows them more than tells them since telling them to "be safe" and "wear your helmet" isn't always effective.


  1. Good resource!It is so important that children learn to be safe. This does a great job of really getting the message across to kids. I certainly know that when I was little and even now, being told to wear a helmet does not always register with me. It is crucial that kids understand the importance and purpose of helmets.

  2. I like this! When I was a child, I never used to wear a helmet when I rode my bike. One day I fell and hit my head on the pavement but luckily I was ok. Children every day face the same situation that I faced that day, and some are less fortunate than I. As teachers we not only have to teach children about academics, but life as well. That is why i think that this is a great resource and can definitely be incorporated into any class.

  3. As someone who's life has been saved by helmets multiple times, I can't imagine going without one. This lesson would be excellent to teach to children, as it SHOULDN'T take falling off your bike and hitting your head, or being hit by a car without a helmet to encourage kids to wear one. The helmet safety lesson sounds like it can be taught in a visual and tangible way (using an "egg drop" activity) that will really help them understand why they need to wear a helmet. Great resource!

  4. i was an avid bike rider when i was young and i know that i didn't always wear a helmet when i was riding around my house. it is good that there are resources such as this to teach and stress the importance of wearing a helmet. like Chris said they shouldn't have to get injured in order to learn how important it is.
