Friday, April 24, 2009

Fighting the Battle of Childhood Obesity

These two programs are geared towards helping schools become aware of the importance of healthy eating and physical activity. The first program, YBH (Youth Becoming Healthy) was created by a woman who lost her brother due to complications of obesity. Her goal is to save as many youth as possible from the epidemic of obesity. Her program helps children to become more physically active and also educates them on the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle. The program educates teachers and parents about healthy food choices and provides them with knowledge of how to create a healthy environment.

The second program, HealthCorps, is a proactive health movement founded by Dr. Mehmet Oz, to help stem the crisis of child obesity through school-based health education and mentoring, as well as community events and outreach to underserved populations.

What do you think about programs such as these? Do you feel they are important for today's schools? Who do you feel is responsible for addressing childhood obesity-parents, schools, or both? What will you do as teacher to help your students develop a healthy lifestyle?


  1. Programs to advocate healthy lifestyles for children are VERY important. It is important to be educated as a teacher, parent, and community member to ensure that you are delivering the correct information to the children. Programs like these can be very helpful to schools who may not have time to train their teachers, these programs can do it for them!

  2. I agree that it is everyone's responsibility to address this problem of childhood obesity. It can't just be put on the parents, or just the schools. Everyone needs to work together because everyone can be helpful in making a change. If only schools make efforts, or only parents, kids will get mixed messages and it just won't be effective.

  3. In order to reverse the increasing trend of obesity and complications associated with it (diabetes, heart disease, cancer) in our society, programs such as these are crucial! Obesity is quickly beating out smoking for the top cause of preventable death in the U.S.! Sadly, if nothing is done, this trend will continue, which is why we need to start better educating young children now to make healthy lifestyle choices! These programs are a good start.
