Sunday, February 21, 2010

Using the Olympics as a Framework

My research project revolves around the idea of integrating arts into the classroom. I chose this article, "Olympics Offer Cultural Lessons for Sartell Students," because it brings in the idea of the Winter Olympics, where students are able to learn about different cultures. The spirit of the Winter Olympics captured the interests of “Pine Meadow Elementary' School's 770 students”. The idea was comprised between the physical education teacher, art, media, and music teachers. The goal was to have the Olympics for the framework for lesson plans. This gave the teachers the ability to be creative with their lesson plans and incorporate different subjects together. It involved the entire school and it just added such a positive atmosphere to the school’s culture. Each class chose a country and learned about its’ culture. For example, one second grade class chose South Korea because the teacher’s mother was born there. He was able to connect with his students and share a part of his life with them. Also the class was learning how to write their names using calligraphy. Teachers came up with ways to incorporate their subjects around the curriculum. An art teacher had her class paint flags and took virtual tours of the country. There are just so many avenues the teachers can use. The article talks about how excited the children are. This shows how important it is to incorporate the arts into the classroom. The students are actively learning about other cultures. Throughout the week students were competing just like real Olympians. Education is always changing and finding new ways to incorporate the arts into the classroom is always an adventure. Without the support of the principle, teachers, students, and parents, this would not be what it is. It is amazing what teamwork can do.

Here's the link:

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