Monday, April 19, 2010

The Cost of Education!

For a long time there has been a debate between private and public education. Which is better? Most would say private, because it costs so much more for parents to send their kids to a private school. But public school is the other alternative, where taxpayers pay per child. But what if someone told you that taxpayers pay equal to or more per student who attends a public school than parents who pay to send their child to a private school. In this video, CATO Institute reveals some shocking numbers of the real cost of education. They expose truthful numbers that the taxpayers are often not aware of. When schools publicize the dollars they spend on students, CATO says that they often leave out certain expenditures. Why do they do this?

They probably do this to show taxpayers that it really is not as much as private institutions. What would happen if everyone knew that the costs were about the same? Would there be a bigger debate between public vs. private schooling? I fear there would be a bigger issue. It would be a bigger problem for both public and private. Parents, who send their children to private school, think that they are giving their child a better education for their money. Public schools depend on public support, and this publicity might hurt them. This issue is much bigger than just cost, but cost is a factor in all education and an issue to be concerned about.

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