Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Learner.org Has Loads of Interactives!

For those of you who aren't familiar with Learner.org, get ready for a free bonanza of learning modules, a treasure trove of cool ideas and interesting areas for exploration for kids who love to learn. Learner.org has a new area, called "Interactives," for Math, History, Science, Language Arts, and just about everything else.
Whenever I go to this site, I get lost in all the options it offers. At the Interactives page, I dove into "Collapse," a module for students and teachers alike that invites people to "Explore the collapse of four ancient civilizations. Learn how archaeologists find and interpret evidence." Ultimately, Collapse is about educating young people about sustainable practices in government, farming, and manufacturing. At the end of one post, the interactive asked, "Can a people avoid the collapse of their society and culture?" It then sends them to another link to explore that area.
Altogether, I found this fascinating. Sustainability is one of the most difficult concepts to grapple with, for some reason. Probably because we seem hell bent on using up our resources without any thought of conservation, and because we're not thinking of the finite nature of the planet, we're ignoring the obvious. "Collapse" is, of course, based on Jared Diamond's best-seller of the same name, only here it's translated into an accessible, interactive text with hyperlinks and activities for readers in grades 9-12. Check it out! Have some fun finding out about interactives! And take some time to explore Learner.org.

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