Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Facebook is a social networking website that I am sure we, as college students, are all aware of. Facebook is used for a variety of reasons including keeping in contact with family, friends and even co-workers. Facebook has become one of the top 10 websites viewed daily. As future teachers I feel that facebook is a great tool to know how to use. Since I am researching facebook for a paper in another class I have found a variety of articles about parents and teachers using facebook to somewhat spy on their kids. Sometimes teachers will use facebook to check up on their students and see what they are doing. I was wondering how you, as a not only a future teacher but also a current student, feel about this. How would you feel if our professors were able to look at our facebooks and check out the different pictures we post as well as the things we write on each others wall? Also, do you think this could be a good tool in limiting the amount of violence or illegal behaviors among students?


  1. Facebook seems to be every nowadays. I was watching CNN the other night and they now use it as a awy to get feedback. Facebook has transformed from a social profile sight, to a massive network that stretches across the world. I think this would be a tool that would work especially for college students. In high school and especially elementary, facebook is not used by many students.

  2. I think that this would be abusing a teacher/student relationship if teachers were able to use facebook to "check up" on students. However, on the other side of the argument I don't think that people should post things that would be inappropriate for other people to see. I think that if teachers were able to look at my facebook and the conversations between friends, they might get a different impression than one presented in the classroom. I think that facebook is a tool that is used for fun, and if a teacher is able to monitor it, I think that this is wrong. Facebook is a different atmosphere than a classroom, and it is definitely shouldn't be held to the same restrictions and protocol that students maintain in a classroom. I think that if by chance an act of violence was stopped than it would be useful, but that sounds very similar to an argument for wire tapping or numerous other things. Build a relationship in person, not on the Internet.

  3. Very touchy subject I think. Once something is out there on the web, it has been made available to the rest of the world and will never truly go away even if "deleted." Facebook is a great social network tool but for teachers and students to use as an academic tool, I believe the students would use it for personal and social use. Creating ways to regulate what students post and privacy rights of users may get in the way of the academics and just take away from the integrity of what the teacher is trying to teach the students and so on...
