Monday, February 23, 2009

Art and Writing

Most of us have taken Art 350 and learned that art is an important thing for children to explore. It provides a means of expression when they can not do it verbally, and helps them think of new ways to explain different feelings. Also in Teaching Writing, we used art to help our writing skills and learned that this is excellent for young writers to use as well. Sandra Young is a second grade teacher and a lover of art, and now of writing. She has created this website to encorporate writing, art, and literature all into one lesson. There are lessons available on the page paired with examples and step-by-step instructions on how to teach each lesson. I feel that these lessons would not only be fun for the students to partake in, but also would be a great way to introduce art lessons to them. Really each lesson combines three subjects in a way that is fun and that allows the children to be inventive.

Use the above link to explore the site and a few lessons and see what you think. What is your opinion on using art to teach other subjects? How can art help writing skills? Do you remember using art in your elementary school in relation to other subjects, or was it completely separated? Do you want to use art in your classroom-- why or why not? How plausible is it to use art and meet all of the standards needed?


  1. My favorite course at Chapman thus far has been Teaching the Visual Arts. We learned skills that i remember my teachers using when i was in school. I remember using art to learn about the pilgrims and Indians, using clay to sculpt the United States, drawing pictures describing the verbs we used in our sentences, and so many other art lessons integrated into the curriculum in elementary school. I do not think that it is asking to much to incorporate art into the curriculum and still meet all the standards. When teachers post lesson plans online for all to see it provides a starting point for teachers who do not find this integration of art an easy task. I am glad that teachers are providing tools for future and current teachers. Art is important and creativity helps students learn!

  2. I love the idea of using art to teach other subjects. Using art helps children to express themselves. Some children struggle with certain subjects but may be stronger in art, so using art to teach other subjects can help them to not only understand new material but also will give them a since of pride to show their skills in art. Art is also a great way to get ideas generated for writing. I can remember doing art in elementary school for subjects such as history, science, and language arts and it was always so much fun. Since I still remember doing these projects, I think incorporating art into other subjects helped the information to stick with me. I will definitely use art in my classroom. It is fun and children enjoy it, and it is something really missing in today's schools.

  3. I think the idea of using art in the lassroom is awesome. I am currently taking the course teaching the visual arts and I have already earned so many ways in which you can incorporate art into daily lesson plans. I think that it is so important to use a variety of teaching styles in order to get the student to experience all areas of study. For example if you have a student that is not the best reader or writer but they can draw and really enjoy art it is so important to use that as an outlet for the student. The more comfortable they get with using art in a writing lesson or using art in relation to science the more they may get out of the course. Just the other day in my art 350 as well as teaching writing class we discussed how you can incorporate art into writing. one example was that you can have the student draw a plant or a tree or anything and then have them brainstorm and write a poem or an essay based on their art piece. It is a great way to get the student involved in something they love to do. It is fun for them and they are learning a lot, even if they do not think they are.

  4. Wow! This site is such an amazing resource! I especially like the Ipod inspired writing idea! I think, especially after taking ART 305, I will absolutely use art in my classroom. I really think that it was missing in my own education. I'm not very good at letting go and being messy and artistic, and in the same way writing tends to be difficult for me because I am so stressed about it being perfect. I feel that be combining the two skills students can not only learn how to take risks (in their art as well as in their writing) they will gain more appreciation and have more fun during both activities!

  5. The arts class was by far one of my favorite classes at chapman! I learned how to incorporate various parts of arts into my daily curriculum in creative ways!!!! I think that art is an effective tool for educators since it allows students to explore their creativity meanwhile learning content. As a future educator, I think it is important to incorporate the arts daily since it will benefit learning and it will allow struggling students, such as ELs, to participate in activities that would otherwise be dificult.
